Innovative parking systems
Safe and automated parking
Omer's automated parking systems provide innovative solutions that make it possible to use and optimise any kind of space, even the tightest ones, and turn them into parking spaces. Applications include historic buildings, town centres, original unsuitable garages, basements or private homes.
- Automated parking systems are manufactured with a rigid modular design incorporating a movable structure (robot) with hydraulic drive. The vehicle is placed on the entrance platform and the robot then automatically moves the vehicle from the entrance platform to the client's dedicated cell after a series of several control and safety operations.
- The relocation of the car cell will be carried out with complete safety and ease of use: indeed, Omer will guarantee complete protection of the client and the vehicle, placing several safety devices, linked and managed by dedicated software.

The simplest system
The Bipark 26 is part of the double stacker range and is the simplest and most user-friendly product. It does not need a recess. The first vehicle is parked on the platform and then lifted to a height of 1.80 m. The next vehicle is then parked underneath. In this way we can double the parking capacity.
Video about Bipark

Up to 3 cars
The Tripark is included in the range of double stackers, although in this particular case the term 'multiple stacker' would be more appropriate as the Tripark is capable of parking up to three vehicles in a space reserved for one. This product is very easy to install and each platform can lift vehicles weighing 2.5 tonnes.
Video about the Tripark system

Double stackers with recess
TheSpacer and Double Spacer 25/2 are double stackers that use a recess. This means that vehicles parked on the lower platform can be moved below floor level. The Spacer and Double Spacer 25/2 are known for their exceptional robustness and each platform can accommodate vehicles up to 2.5 tonnes.

1 place 2 cars
The Duplo model is essentially an underground car park that also allows two vehicles to be parked in the same place. One is parked in a recess on the lower platform, while the other vehicle can be parked at floor level.

automatic parking system
Tecnopark is an automated parking system designed for large numbers of parking movements, allowing you to optimize the space available in areas of open spaces between buildings, old garages or basements of buildings in city centers.
Video 1 about Tecnopark
Video 2 about the tecnopark system

Semi-automatic system
Store-Park is an easy-to-install , semi-automatic system with simple operation. Compared to traditional parking spaces, Store Park can increase parking capacity to almost double. The system is modular and can handle hundreds of cars.

Turntable for small space
Ralla is a turntable that allows you to manoeuvre your vehicle in a very small space. Easy to use, it can turn the vehicle up to 360°, making it easier to get out of tight spaces. The solution can be equipped with a remote control. This turntable has been developed in various sizes up to 8 metres in diameter and a load capacity of 8 tonnes.